Our write-up will focus on how to send email to apply for job, and how to send an email to apply for a job. Most times people use their existing email addresses when they apply for a job. But don’t worry you can always create a free email account.
The best thing about sending an email is that it makes you look professional. And make sure your message is straight and concise to get the attention of the reader.
Even when you are sending a cold email for a job application. Your email should get the attention of the reader. And if you don’t know how to draft one as a fresh candidate you can go online to check email examples.
As we proceed in this article you will get a clear example of a letter or email. And well learn how to send a job application letter to a hiring manager.
Once you have a good idea of the job title, description and name of the person you want to contact. The next thing is to get started on preparing your letter.
With the word letter, you can have a clear understanding that we are sending a letter in the format of an email.
Get the details of their work by doing some research online. If they have a LinkedIn account or other social media presence that shows what they do for work. Try searching for their name in those places as well. You can also ask friends or insiders who might know them if they know anything about the Job opening
How to send an email to apply for a job via email
When you want to send an email to apply for a job, make sure that your message target this person. And don’t send an email because you got information that is not real. Please confirm the name and email of the recipient. The person to whom the mail or letter is addressed to as regards the job application email.
Better still get the information about the hiring manager from the company website. Big companies on Linkedin most times use the profile of their hiring manager in HR.
The essence of doing this is to forward all enquiry and information to the hiring manager
If you’re not sure how to address the email, it’s best to use the person’s full name and title. If they don’t have a title, try using their name and then adding “from your LinkedIn profile.” You can always ask them what they would like you to call them in a follow-up message if it doesn’t seem appropriate.
When writing the body of your message, it’s important to get straight to the point. The first line should state what you want them to know and why they should care about it.
Keep in mind that most people are busy and they don’t want to read through a long email. Because someone else mentioned something interesting on Twitter yesterday!
The hiring manager does not have the time to start reading long emails. So try to be precise and straight to the point
That is why it is important when sending a job application email, to try and get the detail of the hiring manager.
Research the company before you send an email to apply for a job
Before you send your email, make sure to research the company. You should know what its values are, and what its mission and culture are. who are the people who work there and what products and services do they offer?
You also want to find out about its competitors so that you can make an informed decision as well.
In essence, you can do a job enquiry on the job vacancy. By sending a job inquiry email for the particular job offer. You can as well do a follow-up email in case you did not hear from them.
This is where you can make use of the opportunity of creating a relationship with the hiring manager. And whoever is attending to emails or letters of application.
Once you have a better understanding of the company itself. Then go ahead and write your email with this information in mind!
-Make sure to include your contact information. This can be a phone number and/or email address.
-Don’t forget to mention why you’re interested in working for them!
-Be polite and get straight to the point.

How to write an email to HR for a job
Prepare your documents – When you want to write an email to HR for a job or send an email asking for a job opportunity. The first you need to do is to get all your documents ready. Such as the following
Curriculum Vitae – Another important document that is very important is your CV. In order to know how to send an email for a job, you have to analyse your resume . A resume is a summary of your work experience and skills. This includes education, training and certifications; work experience; awards; publications; professional affiliations (organizations). A CV is as an attachment to a job email or printed out as part of the application materials.
In other a CV is also a resume. A profile of everything that has to do with your career history
It is important that you include at least one resume with each application package. Because employers prefer to see this document before they consider hiring someone new. If you do not include a copy of your application materials, we will assume that it got lost in transit!
Cover Letter. – This is within the body text area on resumes/CVs but uploaded into our system. if needed. It should provide more information about who wrote it. And why they feel qualified for this position opening up at [company name].
The cover letter should describe your experience in the field. And, and how you would like to contribute to the company.
You should also include any attachments that will help support your application. Such as references or a copy of a professional license.
Reference Letters. -These are the people your employer can refer to in case of anything. Applying for jobs need applicants to submit references from previous employers. And when you need other individuals who can comment on your work ethic, skills, etc.
Please read more about how to write an email to apply for job opportunity
PREPARE YOUR EMAIL TEXT (use email template)
Use a clear, concise and professional email.
Use an email subject line that grabs their attention.
State the position you are applying for
Use a polite, professional and friendly tone when you write your message.
State your skill and experience
State your related job description or job role in your present job
Put your email signature to make it look professional
The right email address is used in order for your message to be sent (i.e., if you want it to go through spam filters). This is found on the “To” field of most emails sent through Gmail or Yahoo! Mail and Outlook Express; for example. : [email protected] instead of [email protected] or even something like [email protected]:
If you want to make sure that your email gets through, use the correct email address. If you get an error message saying that the recipient’s mailbox is full or does not exist. You have to check with them first before sending another message. You can also try using a different email provider such as Hotmail or AOL instead of Gmail or Yahoo! Mail.
Check or peruse through the email. To ensure there is no error in the letter/email
SEND YOUR EMAIL ( Job application letter)
When you want to send an email for a job application with a resume the first step to applying for a job opportunity. Make sure that you are sending it to the right person, and make sure it’s not too long or short, formal or informal. It should also be polite and professional- like how an application would be sent in real life!
The best thing about sending emails is that you can check them for mistakes and make changes. Make sure that every sentence flows together. And that there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
For example, the purpose of your email might be to request an application form. And sometimes to enquire if they are recruiting.
What should you include in your email?
What should you include in the subject line?
How long should the body of your email be, and how many sentences should it contain?
In what way can you use humour in an interview process? Is this something that would help or hinder your chances of success at getting hired?
Can you think of any other ways that humour might helpful? Hitherto hinder someone’s chances of getting hired for a job opportunity?
What are some examples of humour that you have seen in an interview process? How effective do you think they were?
What is the best way to use humour in an interview situation? Can you think of any times when using humour would be inappropriate? Maybe during an interview process or chat?
In addition, learn to always send a thank you email for a job offer. Whether you are going to accept the job or not.
How to send email to apply for a job
Email sample 1
To the hiring manager
Subject: Application for the post of …………………………………………………………………………….
Hello, Ms Williams
I read the job description for……………………………………………………………….with great interest. I’m happy to submit my application for the position. because my experience is a good fit for the duties associated with this position.
My most recent job was in ……………………………………………………………………..Where I took part n………………………………………………………………
Attached herewith is my resume to this letter. I’m hoping you’ll discover more about my background, schooling, and accomplishments, through it.
Please let me know if there is any further information I can give you.
If I can provide you with any further information, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you about this opportunity.
Thank you for your consideration.
How to send an email to apply for a job email
Email sample 2
To the hiring manager
Subject: Joseph Green, Application for the post of Assistant Director of Marketing
I am interested in your Craigslist job posting for an Assistant Marketing Director. I’m thrilled to send you my resume for consideration. Because your description of the duties for the Assistant Director position fits my experience.
As the company’s assistant communications director. , I oversaw the company’s social media presence. I created and sent out a weekly email newsletter to subscribers. edited and posted articles supplied by others. And published articles for the corporate website. Additionally, I put in place an automated email program and within six months I will increase the company’s subscriber list by 40%.
In my capacity as Assemblywoman Janet Brown’s assistant communications director. , I conducted research, authored and revised legislation, wrote press releases,
Attached herewith is my resume attached to this letter. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your consideration.
We hope this post has been helpful to you. Sending emails to apply for job posts is a quick means of reaching out to prospective employers and potential employers.
The way you write your job application emails is very important. This will determine whether the hiring managers will call you for a job interview. This is one of the key factors in career advice to freshers.
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